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Friday, 1 February 2019

Sand, Sin and Living Waters (Word of God)

I just remembered something I'd taught the children about four years ago...

We were on a camping trip to Kakabecca Falls and playing on the beach. The kids hands were coated with wet sand and they couldn't get it off. So I said "kids, come with me." They followed me back to the water and I said "do you see how you're covered in sand that you can't wipe off on your own? This sand is sticking to you like sin does. But God's Word is called living water. When we confess and repent of our sins, look at what happens...". With that, I put my dirty hands in the water and brought them back up completely free of any single grain of sand. The kids' eyes went wide-eyed and they quickly followed suit and marveled as their hands came back up completely clean! "Can you find any grain of sand or sin left on your hands?" They answered "no!" With a big smile on my face, I said "and that is how our God deals with our sins... once washed, they are nowhere to be found."

The LORD is gracious to bring this memory back to me today. And He is gracious to remind me of His tender mercy. He is Mighty to save and worthy of all praise. May my soul magnify His Redemptive Name!

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