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Monday, 25 November 2013

Quick greeting to touch base!

Hello my dear ones!!

I must extend a great big thank you for your enduring patience with me at this time.  Some have graciously shared with me that many readers have lost interest in my family blog because it has become far too "spiritual" or "religious".  I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not…

My gratitude is for all of you who have been so gracious in your time of connecting with my family right where we are at in our journey of life.  Doesn't mean we have to agree on everything but we can certainly find ways to connect!  And you've done that with our family…. what a gift!

In all honesty, this past year in particular has been an intensely spiritual one for us and every free moment has been spent deep in scripture and studies.  I suppose this means that I will take as a compliment the feedback I received because this time of spiritual growth through scripture is a perfect reflection of where our family IS at.

Part of me wants to apologize and at the same time celebrate.  What I do promise is to be whole-heartedly me and offer you my humble self in full honesty right where I'm at, whether good or bad.  And the beauty of sharing oneself wholeheartedly IS a freedom because it gives selflessly… no strings attached... with the freedom of allowing you, the receiver to do as you see fit with that.

If I may humbly ask for your prayers at this time as I have drafted what may be a rather significant "message" of revelation through scripture.  It is in the process of being prayed over, refined and tested against scripture by my beloved husband, and awaiting a final comfort/peace in hitting "publish".  Its findings have changed our lives over here and of course, the first instinct when one stumbles upon something life changing is to say "Whoa!  I gotta tell everyone about this!"

In the meantime, God bless you all out there!  And for those of you lighting your first Hanukah candle this Thursday, keep an eye out for comet ISON!  If astronomers are right in their guess, it could be an incredible light show as though God Himself were lighting the first Hanukah candle reminding the world WHO the light of the world is! :)

May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who is the father of our Messiah, Jesus, be with you all.

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