In Anika's case, just a spoon full of sugar kept the medicine from going down! But not just any sugar, D-Mannose... the glyconutrient that has kept her bladder infection free for six months now!!
Back in the fall, I had posted about our last attempts to heal Anika's recurring UTI's naturally before filling out the six month prescription of Septra antibiotics her urologist had prescribed. Anika was suffering from high fevers, back pain, vomiting and other serious ramifications to bladder infections particularly late summer and early fall. She'd had a few since she was a year old but they seemed to be getting worse. Ultrasound showed no structural issues but a VCUG live x-ray did indicate the bladder's reflux towards her right kidney.
Hence the referral to a pediatric urologist in the fall.
Do you know what I wish? I wish the dialogues I start with specialists about potential nutritional deficiencies, natural remedies, etc... could be met with a healthy dose of intrigue rather than the same old "oh... you're one of those parents."
Yes, we want to fuel our children's bodies to work as God designed them to work, using the very FOODS he gave us to fuel it and heal it with! Argh... I am quickly making my way towards a rant...
Deep breath in... remember, Rita, these are people who genuinely believe what they are doing is right... they have spent years being trained that way... questioning that training content, whether founded or not, will never be a "fun" feeling for anyone.
Needless to say, we left that fall apointment holding a six month antibiotic prescription for Anika, no questions answered and a feeling of "is that it? Long-term meds or surgery??"
Cue the classic Rita-Mom question... "but surely there's more to this than that??"
And God led me straight to the curious findings of D-Mannose powder. So I thank you once again for joining us in prayers for Anika. These have led us to some great findings which have also helped others whom we know and love. Would you join with me in prayer that the medical community, responsible for the public's health, will begin to seek answers in what God provided for us naturally?
Below is a letter I just submitted to the Mayo Clinic in hopes of sparking more official research in this department:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I know it is not always welcomed to investigate natural remedies but I was truly hoping that my own experience could help others who suffer from chronic UTIs.
My four year old daughter has level three reflux from the bladder to her right kidney and has suffered severe UTIs (and we suspect kidney infections) since she was a year old. Her urologist had prescribed a six month round of antibiotics and my hesitancy led me to try desperately to find an alternate method of treatment.
Yes, I know... there's that word... alternate treatment. But bare with me as I truly hope this could spark some interest in official research.
What I found was the glyconutrient, D-Mannose. I found hundreds of stories about this simple sugar floating in the bladder and e-coli letting go of the bladder wall to cling to this sugar. Full blown UTI's were being cleared within two days (IF UTI was caused by e-coli).
Given that my daughters chronic bladder infections were consistently caused by that pathogen, and given that there are absolutely no issues with a "spoon full of sugar", I gave it one last shot before turning to Septra antibiotics.
If you are a parent, I know you can empathize the sheer relief, the tears of joy, when my daughter's suffering finally stopped!
She has been UTI-free for six months with routine urine analysis indicating NO abnormalities whatsoever!
Her urologist discharged her as a patient with no interest whatsoever in why this D-Mannose has worked.
This powder is affordable to all families with no ramifications whatsoever... but where is the clinical research to support such findings? Other than countless testimonies, I cannot find many actual articles.
I know natural remedies mean that patents cannot be made, profits cannot be had... but surely for the sake of our fellow man, woman and child, could there be motivation to research what is available by nature alone?
I hope this can spark an interest in one of your researchers as I know the Mayo Clinic is known for its ethical approach to healthcare. More than anything, I just want others to benefit as our family has. Blessings to you from our family!
And with that, my dears, I bid you adieu with thanksgiving in my heart for the healing that Anika has come to know now. Bless you all out there!
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