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Saturday, 29 January 2011

Our family Sabbath song

So here is our family gathering just after sundown to sing our "Sabbath song."  This is a song I made up for each of us to have the opportunity to share what we are most grateful for that week (or day).  This week, Sivana was grateful for good milk, Ethan was thankful for movies, Anika was thankful for castles, Isabel was thankful for pictures, Melina was thankful for 2nd semesters, I was thankful for family and friends and Papa Bear was thankful for finally being at home after a week of constant driving around and feeling a part from his family.

The words are as simple as can be!  Some of you have joined us on Sabbath and have added your own "thankful for..." comments for us to sing to.

Hope you enjoy being a part of our "singing" that happened last night (which also happened to be my birthday).  

Much love to all of you out there and may you find yourself singing this tune with your own little things to be grateful for!


Anonymous said...

So beautiful Vaags family! Thanks for sharing!

The Burelle family xoxoxoxo

Cindy said...

I enjoyed that! Thank you God for music!
Your cousin,

cmousseau said...

I am so pleased to see that you have picked up your guitar again and that you are using that beautiful voice of yours. A true blessing!

J't'aime ma belle chouette :)
