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Thursday, 15 July 2010

Taking in some wise advice

Not sure if you all had the chance to read my previous post "Worst Mom Awards Goes To..." but after getting some direct feedback from friends and family, I decided to take the majority's advice and remove the post.

I struggled with this greatly as part of me feels guilty for not revealing ALL that is a part of my life as a mother, which includes those really down moments. But those who care about and love me were concerned that the post could too easily be misinterpreted and possibly used against me later down the road.

My naivete would like to think "of course it won't!" Afterall, Truth is supposed to set you free... even if misunderstood, right?

But alas, I have chosen to heed the loving advice I received and have removed my previous post.

Suffice it to say that if any of you parents out there experience a mental place of anguish over the shortcomings you feel as a parent, know that you are NOT alone. And that in those dark times (as often or as little as you experience them) I reach out my hand to find yours in that scary place in hopes of finding the light together!

I would also like to point out my friend Debra's advice that she had left as a comment which affirmed that "place" we visit as parents; however, she found the book "How to love your children on purpose" most helpful. Thank you, Debra, for sharing your thoughts and advice.

Much love to all of you out there who embrace your role as a parent, as challenging as it can be at times! May the winters you endure as a tree of life bring forth a harvest of blessed children and a peaceful mind!

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